Planning represents prior thought & organisation. The Hardie™ Builder Planned Sales Call highlights a premeditated plan of action or a base process that can be easily applied to any building site.
The purpose of the Hardie™ Builder Planned Sales Call is to:
Share James Hardies existing and successful approach to builder sales calls.
Designed to support and demonstrate best practice during a builder sales call.
Create a standardised and consistent approach for a builder sales call
Grow mutual Hardie™ fibre cement conversion sales from alternative exterior and interior products.
1. Identify target builder – Are they a new or existing customer? 2. Research customer website / social media. 3. Are they custom built, project or volume builders? 4. What is happening within their business? i.e. growth, decline? 5. Do they commonly use brick, foam, AAC or fibre cement? 6. Conduct pipeline research: Cordell Connect, BCI Central, Estimate One. 7. Who are the decision makers within the business? 8. Do the decision makers influence the choice of materials used? 9. Ask your internal and external contacts for any historical information. 10. Visit display home villages or current building sites.
1. Call the builder to make a suitable time and place. 2. Have you actioned the notes from previous call? 3. What are the customers key business measures? i.e number of homes built, business growth, cost effective or time savings. 4. What are your sales objective/s for the call? i.e new product, new category or project opportunity. 5. Prepare relevant questions about their business objectives, pipeline and common material used. 6. Ensure you have correct selling tools for example : brochures, samples and benefit statements from James Hardie.
1. Be punctual to your appointment time. 2. Safety sign in/check for safety hazards. 3. Positively greet the customer by their name. 4. Confirm purpose, duration and if this time still suits. 5. Build rapport - what do we know about the customer i.e. likes/dislikes/family. 6. Communicate status of actions from previous call and ask if they are happy with the outcome or if follow up is required. 7. What kind of person are they i.e. relationship focused, facts and figures or the "boss". How does this impact your communication?
1. Ask open-ended questions to understand current i.e. How's business? 2. Use your prepared questions to identify builder objectives, needs and challenges. 3. Demonstrate active listening techniques like i.e. paraphrase to confirm you have understood correctly. 4. Ask if you could look at a set of plans or walk the site to identify Hardie™ fibre cement opportunities. 5. What are the homeowner's expectations? 6. What does the builder need? i.e. Quote on material, samples, literature, testimonials. 7. What do you need from builder? i.e. Date, costing, plans, exposure to other departments. 8. What other opportunities are there with this build? i.e. other categories / whole of house.
1. Ask what are the builder objectives with current and future builds? i.e. Quality finish, on time, within budget? 2. Walk the entire site and review plans of current and future projects. 3. What is the current mix of products used for exterior/interior walls? 4. Ask what the benefits/challenges are of using current materials? i.e. Brick, foam, AAC 5. What style of homes do they build, and can they influence design? 6. Ask how they research current consumer trends i.e. What homeowners want?
1. Based on your research, tailor your selling approach by linking back to their needs, objectives & pain points i.e. "You mentioned your objectives are quality finish, on time, within budget? What if we could show some ways using Hardie™ fibre cement products could help achieve that... 2. "Sell the dream" (believe in what you're selling them, positivity, excitement). 3. To support a valid James Hardie warranty, confirm whole system requirements including i.e. accessories, fixings, wrap, glues etc. If you have any questions, please ask your James Hardie representative or call the technical support line on ph: 13 11 03. 4. Use testimonials to demonstrate real value achieved.
1. Quantify the benefits into real time and money savings for the homeowner and the builder. 2. James Hardie offers extensive warranty protection for the homeowner and builder. Following the James Hardie installation procedures is critical to ensure the warranty is valid. 3. When comparing to alternative materials, remember ALL Hardie™ fibre cement products are: - Deemed non-combustible. - Termite resistant. - Resistant to damage from moisture. - Low maintenance. - Durable. - Fast and easy to install.
1. Summarise the benefits and confirm understanding. 2. Listen to any objections. Demonstrate empathy that you understand their concern. Aligning to their needs and objectives, highlight the benefits of the Hardie™ product and confirm if this has overcome the objection. 3. Have we covered off all your questions? 4. Was there anything further that we needed to discuss?
1. Quantify the product requirement with a take-off of materials and a quote. 2. Confirm whole system requirements to ensure a valid warranty i.e. (Accessories, fixings, wrap, trims). 3. Discuss forward planning and lead times for when product is needed onsite. 4. For any installation or technical questions, call the James Hardie support centre support – Ph: 13 11 03.
1. Clarify what tasks are to be done. 2. Provide a timeframe and clarify if it is suitable. 3. Clarify who will be responsible for what. 4. Ask questions to confirm mutual understandings and expectations. 5. Thank the customer for their commitment.